Annabel Marlow

ANNABEL MARLOW is actress and singer. She played Katherine Howard in the Original Edinburgh and Cambridge Production of Six the Musical.

Her solo debut show …IS THIS OKAY? features original songs and comedy. The show explores love (whatever that is!), contraception (modern!), graphic designers (nooo!), having opinions (or not!), overthinking (she sounds cute!) and just how much attention one girl apparently needs.

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This is your solo debut at Fringe, after being in the original cast of SIX in Edinburgh. How does it feel to return? Has anything unusual or unexpected happened this year?

So I was so so so young when I did Six and it was the first musical I'd really done apart from one at school. It was definitely the longest I'd ever performed for so that was a shock for sure. But, it's been such a comfort coming back cause I've visited every year since my first one (doing Six) and it's just my favourite place on earthhhhh. I guess I didn't realise how much a good audience changes the show, like, you guys make the show what it is. Like, I just laugh so much myself when there's a good crowd - they make me enjoy it so much more! I did not expect to sell out every evening so far oh my gosh. That was definitely unexpected. It's also been nice to read reviews describing the show's vibe exactly how I intended it to be. So that's been great. And having strangers post about it and stuff, every time I just find that wild!

What's the "emotional core" of IS THIS OKAY...? How do you hope audiences feel when they see it?

I wouldn't say there's an emotional core, more emotional moments for sure. There are a few songs in there that really touch people which is so nice (and sad but mostly nice). Like, seeing people cry in the audience is such a crazy feeling cause it shows that people are relating and feeling from something I've written. Which makes me feel like this isn't a pointless piece of narcissism lol! Especially my song 'Again' which is about toxic and controlling relationships, and my song 'The Year' which is about missing lockdown.

IS THIS OKAY...? is a mix of songs and jokes. Can you tell us about a few of your favorite bits or moments of the show to perform?

It's been so much fun adding to and editing the script every night cause I ad lib a lot, and respond to the audience and myself in the moment. And then new jokes a formed and then I kind of am chopping and changing every time in my head cause I'll say something for the first time that fits perfectly and then I keep it in, and depending on the audience and what they're responding to, i'll then be in my head like 'ok extend this bit' or 'improvise something here they'll die'. I just love those moments cause it feels like we are all here making this together and just hanging out.

If you had an unlimited budget to create your next one-woman show (or musical!) what would it be about?

Oh my goshhhh good question. To be honest i'm loving this show so much I haven't thought about it! I like the small, cosy room, the casual personable vibe of it. It's so much fun to do and people are really responding to it. I think having an unlimited budget would stress me out haha. I'm good with no budget and pure vibes at the mo. ALTHOUGH - I'd love a band. Wow. Yeah, like a full on jazz band. And my friends as backup singers. And a ballgown. And a massive disco ball. And an ice rink with ice skaters. And cocktails for everyone constantly. And a diamond encrusted piano. But that's IT.

Can you tell us about some other female-driven shows you've seen at Fringe this year that you would recommend checking out?

Clementine, We'll Have Nun of it, Artist/Muse, The Last Show Before We Die, Salty Irina!!!

Jagger Waters