Sophie Buddle

Sophie Buddle is a Canadian cutie that moved to America about a year ago because America number one. Woo! Since moving she has appeared on the Late Late Show with James Corden, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and Comedy Central. She tours the country making people laugh and giggle. Check out her debut album Lil Bit Of Buddle that won her the Juno award for best comedy album in Canada, also making her the first woman to ever win.

Sophie’s next show is on Oct 2 at the Lyric Hyperion

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What were you like as a kid, and how did your childhood influence your writing and humor? Did you have any creative influences growing up, that still feel relevant today?

I was a ratty and outgoing little girl and I have become a ratty and outgoing little lady :) My mom and grandma were always the funniest people growing up. When I got into standup I was very drawn to Louis, Patrice and Sarah Silverman. All of the above, including my family, have a strong point of view and a strong sense of self. I don’t think there’s anything more you could ask for!

Your poster for your show "I Object" says you're performing stand up comedy to a "jury of your peers". What made you want to evoke the feeling and imagery of a courtroom for your material? Does this set feel different from your previous work?

My standup is quite political and I’ve always felt that good comedy can be a bit divisive. Obviously the implication is that I’m heavily trying to defend myself which is an exaggeration but one of the reasons I love this art form is it gives you an opportunity to truly get into your opinions. I love the feeling of tension in the room when the audience isn’t on your side or isn’t sure if they are, and then the huge relief of a big laugh. Laughing doesn’t mean you agree necessarily but it means we all understand each other which is honestly an even better feeling than all having the same exact opinion.

I recently read a book called What’s Our Problem (by read I mean listened to it on audible). It had an incredible take on the current progressive political movement (of which I’ve always felt part of). It simply pointed out that a lot of progressives completely attack each other if there is any differing opinions, which makes it no longer a political group but a dogma.

If everyone in a group has the same opinions on everything I think somethings wrong. I’ve been exploring that thinking a lot lately and I’ve really enjoyed finding out that others feel the same:)

Do you think AI realistically poses any threats to creatives, comedians or writers? If you had to guess, what do you think the industry will look like in 20 years?

While I am a believer that AI will change everything I don’t think that it will replace creatives. I think a big part of the draw we have to art is connecting with another person and when that’s completely absent I can’t see it having the same feel.

There was a great interview I heard that was talking about AI potentially replacing lawyers. One of AI’s strongest skills is combing through a judge’s entire history of rulings and summarizing advice on how to present cases to them. That might sound like it will replace lawyers, but of course you still need a human to process that information and go on to present that to another person. The thinking is that AI will not replace lawyers, but it may replace lawyers that don’t work with AI with ones that do.

I think the odds are the same for writers. To me it looks like screenwriters that use AI could replace ones that don’t. In our hyper-productivity focused society it’s fair to assume whoever can turn over the most content the quickest will have the most success.

My hope is that fans of any art form are able to maintain a sense of awe for authentically creative people making things that mean something to them. That doesn’t have to mean completely without the help of technology but simply without the void of humanity.

What are you working on after this?

I am on the road! I’ll be in grand rapids Michigan Oct 5-7, Sunnyvale CA Oct 20-21 and Vancouver Canada Oct 26-29.

Are there any upcoming performances, events or shows that your friends or peers are doing, that you're really looking forward to seeing? Anything we should check out?

Monday October 16 my dear friend Blair Socci is filming her first special in LA!! She is amazing I am so excited to see it!

Jagger Waters