Two Girls One Ghost

Two Girls One Ghost is a paranormal comedy podcast hosted by Corinne Vien and Sabrina Deana-Roga. Episodes are released every Sunday and Thursday, available wherever you listen to podcasts. Join Corinne & Sabrina live on Patreon each Tuesday at 9 PM ET for Campfire Stories - a live show where you can tell your own haunting tale.

For 6 years Corinne and Sabrina of Two Girls One Ghost Podcast have researched and discussed hundreds of haunted places they were too afraid to visit, but something has been calling them... a place so haunted that it inspired one of the most horrific horror movies of our generation. Two Girls One Ghost is now live on tour: 32 cities, 34 shows, a look into the history and hauntings of the Conjuring House. Grounded in horror, their friendship will provide comedic relief and heartwarming connection… But uncovering the truth comes with a price. It’s going to be a wild, spooky ride… and they’ve saved you a seat.

For anyone who hasn't listened to 2 Girls 1 Ghost yet, how did you meet, and what made you decide to start recording your own investigations into ghost stories? Where do your conversations take you? How has it deepened your friendship?

We met back in 2011 during the first week of College at Loyola Marymount University. We were in the same Acting class and our teacher asked us to share a fun fact about ourselves. Corinne said, “I grew up in a haunted house.” And it was spooky music to Sabrina’s ears. We instantly bonded.

As for the podcast, we didn’t come up with the idea for it until 2017. We had always discussed the paranormal, we were great friends and were always swapping podcast recommendations. And then, in 2017, Corinne decided to leave Los Angeles and move back to the East Coast. Sabrina made an at-the-time-off-handed comment like, “how are we going to stay in touch?! Maybe we should start a podcast?” Next thing we knew, we were talking about it non stop and finally decided to purchase some microphones and talk about the paranormal. We have learned so much in the last six years. We’ve researched hundreds of stories that have taken us deep into hidden histories, creepy corners of the world and introduced us to some incredible people. But the best part is how it has enriched our friendship. We have seen each other through a lot and have built an incredible business. Not everyone can say they built a business with their best friend and that it is just as fun, if not more, than the day we started.

You're currently on tour, taking 2 Girls 1 Ghost to 32 different cities. How are you staying sane with the travel schedule, and how do you keep the show feeling fresh and new for each audience from city to city?

That’s a good question. We were definitely in over our heads, but it’s so much fun and we are learning as we go. The way we booked the tour, we are go go go and have little time to explore the cities we are in. So, to stay sane, we are trying to squeeze in naps where we can, and drinking a lot of Diet Coke.

To keep things fresh… the great thing is that our show leaves a lot of room for the audience and maybe even some ghostly interaction. We never know what the ghosts are going to do. They’re unpredictable! Plus, there was so much that we had to cut out of the show while we were building it that we have been finding ways to introduce new tidbits every show.

Why do you think ghost stories, hauntings, and horror lore are so prolific in our culture? And, if you had to guess, what do you think happens when we die?

Well, everyone dies, right? But no one knows what happens when we do… so we think that opens up a whole lot of interest, discussion, and theorizing. There’s so much we do not know. And that’s scary… but it can also be really fun. We never claim to know anything definitively about the paranormal - except, we know that we know nothing for certainty. But it’s fun to theorize. Our listeners submit their personal encounters and just when we think something makes sense, we hear a story that changes our perspective. Aside from the contemplative aspect and the curiosity of what comes next and what happens after we depart these meat sacks that we call our bodies in this life, ghost stories are full of history, murder, mystery and drama. They are entertaining!

We like to think there’s life after death. Reincarnation is one of our favorite things to talk about. We don’t know what happens, but we believe our energy has to go somewhere.

As a team, what was it like growing your own following, securing sponsors and watching the show accumulate an audience? Did you start with a small group of fans, and watch it expand? What kept you going when things felt challenging? Has anything unexpected happened in the process?

We started the podcast as a hobby, we did not have a business plan, so it feels like we made things up as we went… we still are! We asked our friends and family to listen. We asked them to rate and review and then we randomly started following people on social media with the hope that when they saw our podcast name they’d be intrigued. We knew some people would be grossed out, but at least it would leave some impression. 😂

We started growing very slowly… but then people started to email us their ghost stories and joined our Facebook group. We like to call it our pyramid scheme because it feels like so much of our growth has come from word of mouth. One person tells their friends and families and then they tell their friends and on and on.

As our audience grew, we had a couple of people reach out to us. Audioboom brought us on and started sourcing advertisers for us. It was maybe six months in that we started to notice that this hobby was turning into something profitable and we started taking on a lot more. We added multiple episodes a week and we started doing live shows… but we were both still working full time jobs on top of the podcast and we were doing it all across the country from one another trying to coordinate with a three hour time difference and full time work schedules. It was definitely stressful. We were doing everything on our own. Editing, researching, touring, recording, answering emails, etc. it was exhausting and we started to burn out. We almost quit. We had a tear-filled conversation and decided on a final episode date. Two weeks later we called one another at the same time and said “WE CAN'T QUIT!” And we decided to hire an editor part time to help offload some of the work.

What other podcasts or shows hosted by women would you recommend we check out?

Ugh sooo many!! Here’s a list:


National Park After Dark

Ladies & Tangents

Creeps & Crimes


And that’s why we drink

Something was Wrong

Voices for Justice


Shook Podcast

Ghost in the Burbs

And probably some we forgot!

Jagger Waters